Knowledgeable, Compassionate, and Kind, What a Great Attorney!
I retained attorney Steve Karimi to represent my DUI case in May, 2011. Because of prior DUI charges, I felt helpless and was overwhelmed with depression. Mr. Karimi scheduled a meeting for us
to meet and review materials relevant to my case. When first encountering Steve, I was immediately put to ease by his calm and sensitive manner. It was during this meeting that he provided the names of treatment facilities. He is a great listener, and was able to determine that I had been suffering from an emotional condition, which when combined with my tendency to binge drink, past treatment programs fell short of providinig the type of service that could really assist me. What a major difference this has made in my life! NO ONE, not even mental health counselors, have been able to discern what attorney Karimi did, in a 45 minute span of time. This is simply amazing. Steve brings to the table not only his extensive legal training and experience, but a rare quality of being able to really connect with his clients needs on an intuitive level. He was able to create a very effective strategy for my situation and provided guidance for me, every step of the way. He posses a portfolio of resources for his clients to keep their lives in chek, while undergoing the court process. This was extremely valuable to myself, a professional person who wished to continue to work - and stay mobile.
Attorney Steve Karimi is simply a profoundedly gifted and talented individual, unlike ANY other attorney I have ever experienced. I received a fair otucome from the courts, it was a very difficult case. His background, and committemnt to REALLY helping his clients is remarkable. With his assistance, he has changed my life by puttting me in contact with those that could really help my life get on track. You would be well served to retain him; he has my highest recommendation.
– Lynne
I recommend Steve Karimi.
I hired Steve 1-3 years ago.
Steve handled my DUI / DWI matter.
I have previously worked with 3-5 lawyers.